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Paul Hanson, AIA, Associate DBIA, LEED AP
Associate Principal
Architecture connects all the senses through volume, light, air, sound and texture, and through that tactility, connects us to each other. Our environment shapes us as individuals, and from that we mold our collective culture. It is a powerful tool that we use with care and consideration.

Paul’s expertise lies in mission-driven, mixed-use projects that integrate complex programs within efficient, community-focused buildings. Examples include student housing and residence life as well as higher education and affordable housing, particularly projects that include a combination of education, retail, childcare, office, theater, and other active spaces. His specialization incorporates community meetings for a range of neighborhood groups, religious organizations, community leaders, non-profit boards and donors, jurisdictional processes, and stakeholders at all levels. Paul’s capable voice expresses community values and programs that bring dramatic, positive change to their campuses and neighborhoods. With a diverse background in industrial design, interior design, graphic design, and information management, Paul finds architectural strategies that create opportunities for collaboration, flexibility, and community building in each project. He holds a Master of Architecture degree from the University of Texas, Austin, and a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Design from Western Washington University. 

University of Providence, Great Falls New University Center
University of Hawai'i, Mānoa, Graduate and Faculty Housing, with Early Learning Center